Imagine you were just involved in an automobile accident. You’re shocked and disoriented. Would you know the steps to follow to determine liability?
First, contact the police, especially if you are injured. Second, provide a statement only to the police and to your insurance claim representative. If you are not injured, use your smartphone to take photos of all the vehicles involved in the accident. This should be done as soon as possible. The photos should be of all four corners of each vehicle. Be sure to include photos of the scene, such as road markings, traffic control signals and skid marks. If you have a dash cam, save the footage. This can also be helpful in determining who is at fault.
Next, obtain the contact and insurance information from all the involved parties, as well as contact information from any witnesses. Also, obtain the police report or police report ID number. Be sure to report your auto accident to your insurance agent or claim representative as soon as possible, and be prepared to provide the accident information you have collected.
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